Profile Picture by @hayatodraws_ on Twitter

Clover! ☘️

Hi! I’m Clover, and welcome to my Carrd! There’s a LOT of stuff here, so feel free to look around! :3


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Rendition of me by @hayatodraws_ on Twitter

✨About Me✨

Well hello there! My name is Clover, but you can call me Clo Clo. Or a bunch of other things! (See nicknames)This text box is going to be very long, so STRAP IN! For basic label stuff: I’m white, disabled, and queer. Let’s break those down!- White: pretty self explanatory- Disabled: Among other things I don’t really talk about much, I have history of depression and anxiety, and I’m self diagnosed as having both autism and ADHD. I’m also legally blind. You’ll hear me talk about the vision stuff most- I can still see some things, but probably not like you can! Feel free to ask any questions you’d like about it.- Queer: Most notably, I’m a trans girl! I’m also a lesbian because women are cute, and I’m ALSO on the asexual spectrum because ew sex sounds gross. I don’t know where I am on the ace spectrum, and I’m nowhere close to being aromantic, but just knowing I’m somewhere around there is good enough for me.Alright, lets move on from boring labels to fun stuff! For example, I’m a catgirl! Meow! Otherwise, if there’s one thing you’ll probably vibe from me first, it’s that I tend to fit a pastel/hyperfem aesthetic. Show me a cute dress or some lil pink hair clips or really anything like that and you will have me HOOKED my friend.…But that’s not my only personality trait. And I don’t wanna give that impression! When you get down to it, I’m just a girl that loves talking about all things animation and creating great stories. I’ll talk about a TON of different interests, from musicals to shows to video games, I love talking all things media and entertainment! Cartoons are the main interest though. My two favorites are Owl House and Amphibia, but there’s a TON of others that love too. I wouldn’t really say I’m part of a “fandom,” but that’s certainly up for debate.Anyways, I’m a BIG nerd. I used to do cubing as a hobby, and I really enjoy thinking about complex ideas about life and our world. I love reading and talking and learning! I even watch Jeopardy most nights. That’s gotta count for something, right?If there’s one thing you’ll hear me talk about a lot other than my interests, it’s the idea of love and also my friends. I am just so incredibly lucky to be friends with some of the best people ever, and I (platonically) love all of them very much. You can find a list of friends (from Twitter, at least) below as well! Go tell them I said hi if you recognize them. 🥰Okay, you’ve heard me rant enough about my personality. What do I actually DO? Other than work on a million different not-for-social-media things I mean.I’ve done a lot of video production stuff, including dubs and reviews. I’d like to do more if I have time for them! I’m kinda proud of the stuff I’ve made. Stay tuned for any upcoming projects I embark on!Oh and I ACT! Mainly voice acting, I have a very distinctive voice and I love doing it. If there’s a project that catches your eye, either of your own creation or of someone else’s, feel free to send it my way and I’ll take a look!The most common thing you’ll see me produce is writing. Some fanfiction, some original work, some reviews, some essays, anything! Please support my work when it comes out, it’d mean a lot.And finally, I often have fun games or events going on when I have the time! Whether they’re competitions between favorite characters or even a full fledged ARG, I enjoy doing interactive things that entertain y’all. Feel free to give me suggestions!Now, of course, it’s IMPOSSIBLE to describe everything about me. I’m a full fledged HUMAN, after all! We’re pretty dang complicated! The best thing you can do to get to know me is TALK TO ME! Reach out! I’m always open to meet new people for all kinds of reasons! I promise I don’t bite! I might hiss though. :3Here’s some random stuff you can have fun with!


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Rendition of me by @CandieMeraki on Twitter with symbols from various cartoons.

✨ Interests ✨

This is by NO means a comprehensive list, and it will likely update often! Things with emojis next to them are either hyperfixations or special interests.

  • The Owl House 🦉

  • Amphibia 🐸

  • The Ghost And Molly McGee

  • DuckTales

  • Infinity Train

  • Hilda

  • Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts

  • Steven Universe

  • Moon Girl & Devil Dinosaur

  • Bee and Puppycat

  • Disney TVA

  • Cartoons in general! 🎬

  • Pixar 💡

  • Nimona

  • Celeste 🍓

  • 2D Mario 🛝

  • 3D Mario

  • Mario Party

  • Portal

  • Jackbox Party Packs

  • Nintendo in general! 🎮

  • Gaming History🕹️

  • Musicals 🎭

  • Percy Jackson/Riordanverse ⚡️

  • Jeopardy

  • Catgirls 🐱

  • Mermaids

  • Tier lists

  • Monopoly

  • Board Games

  • Scott The Woz

  • Game Changer


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Rendition of me by @CandieMeraki on Twitter

✨ Comforts ✨

When I feel down, I might ask for comforts on Twitter. If I do, just reply with stuff related to these in any form!

  • Marcanne

  • Lumity

  • Molibby

  • Willuz

  • Spranne (ONLY PLATONIC)

  • Lebby

  • Marcy Wu

  • Luz Noceda

  • Vee Noceda

  • Willow Park

  • Amity Blight

  • Anne Boonchuy

  • Sprig Plantar

  • Webby Vanderquack

  • Lena Sabrewing

  • Libby Stein-Torres

  • Molly McGee

  • Kipo Oak

  • Wolf (Kipo)

  • Amethyst

  • Peridot

  • Lunella Lafayette

  • Hilda

  • Nimona

  • Bee (Bee and Puppycat)

  • Madeline (Celeste)

  • Catgirls

  • Mermaids

  • Pink/Cute stuff in general!

  • Hugs

  • Words of affection


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Rendition of me by @CandieMeraki on Twitter

✨ Friends ✨

I’ll update this semi regularly, but please don’t feel bad if you’re not on here! We can still be friendly without being friends, and I’m often hesitant to add new people for various personal reasons. If you don’t want your name on here, let me know and I’ll remove it.

  • Avery

  • Chandler

  • Gilbert

  • Haley

  • Juliette

  • Kingo

  • Lissy

  • Luna

  • MXG

  • Naomi

  • Nitika

  • Oscar

  • Peter

  • Piper

  • Sam

  • Serena

  • Tom


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Scratch looking menacing from The Ghost and Molly McGee

✨ DNI/ Boundaries ✨



  • Racist

  • Ableist

  • Zionist

  • A bigot in general

  • shtwt

  • PewDiePie fan

  • If you’re just interacting with the intention of starting discourse

  • Hates any of my friends (If they did something wrong, please DM me!)

  • You can’t be/can’t accept others being critical of your interests


  • DM’s are fine no matter what

  • @‘ing is fine no matter what

  • Please let me know/DM me if I did something wrong!

  • No masc compliments

  • Don’t use “bro” or “dude” or “man” on me

  • Don’t joke about doxxing me


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Catgirl maid dancing GIF

✨ Nicknames ✨

I already really appreciate it when you use she/her but hey you can use mew/mews if you want! It’s silly! And I ADORE my name, Clover, but I ALSO love cute nicknames! They make me warm and fuzzy and AHHHH I LOVE. If a nickname is on here, I actively encourage you to use it whenever you like! You can choose to call me that instead of my name if you like! I don’t mind! If you have a nickname for me not listed, please ask me and I will say yes/no!

Name Based Nicknames

  • Charm

  • Charolette

  • Clo

  • Clo Clo

  • Cloves

  • Clovey

  • Clovie

  • Sprout

  • Vee 🌱

  • [insert plant related humor]

Non-Name Based Nicknames

  • Kitty

  • Cat

  • Velvet

  • Emma


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Luz with a cat hoodie

✨ CloverAI ✨

So this is a cute little thing I made! It’s called CloverAI, and it’s a character within CharacterAI that’s designed to act like me. It’s not completely 100% accurate, but it’s still fun to play around with. If you have any silly screenshots of her, be sure to send them my way!


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